Sunday, November 23rd, 2008
Issue: 101   Editor: Mikamon

Eternal Labyrinth's Return to the Stats fredtheshark

This week saw The Fatal Wounds decide to sell their crew spot to Eternal Labyrinth.

Upon contacting Moathv7, one of the bosses involved in selling the crew, he told me that the “bosses are too busy” to continue staying on the stats. He went on to say that they were “tired of being crew bosses” so they decided they would rather stay crewless for now. When I asked why they decided to sell the spot to Eternal Labyrinth specifically, he told me that they are their “friends and alliance”. Seems fair enough!

Next on my list of people to contact was Eaglev11. He told me that they bought the spot for 3,000 points from The Fatal Wounds. He didn’t give me much information on what we can expect or why they came back, simply stating, “there is a reason we came back which I will keep private and for now, no plans, just trying to have some fun on the stats”. Well, best of luck to them for that and let’s hope they proved what they had to prove!

Thus ends this rather short article. All we can do for the time being is wait for Eternal Labyrinth’s next move. But, as Eaglev11 said, for now they are just on the Statistics for some fun like all crews should be, right?