Sunday, December 28th, 2008
Issue: 106   Editor: NyxxieIn3D

Nation Don: ImsDal OvermindEV2

After a bloody start of the week when SixtySix committed suicide. The new spot for Nation Don was taken within 24 hours by ImsDal.
“I was so happy when I finally reached the End. I always hoped I would reach the desired rank of Nation Don”.

“I started Bootleggers because a good friend of mine mentioned it, Vitalistic was his name. He helped me through Bootleggers. It was a shame that Vitalistic got shot”, ImsDal told us. He added, “Without Vitalistic, and many other friends. I would never make it to Nation Don. Getting myself to Nation Don, I did high ranked Organized Crimes, lots and lots of Petty Crimes, Auto Burglary, Booze Runs and Busting.”

“I do not got any plans so far as a Nation Don, I’m just being the Nation Don, and trying to stay a Nation Don for as long as possible”. Is what ImsDal replied. “My thanks goes all who congratulated me with reaching the end, and my thanks goes especially to earlier mentioned Vistalistic. And to many other friends. But they know who they are.”

As a final question, we asked for a little advice by our 29th Nation Don. “Well I can only say: Be careful and smart, you need luck and skill to reach the end, play the game and have as much fun in the progress. That is the only advice I can give you.” ~ImsDal

With the end of the interview, the Buzz wishes ImsDal best of luck in his role of Nation Don #29.