Sunday, February 1st, 2009
Issue: 111   Editor: NyxxieIn3D

Telling It Like It Is... BrickTamland

As we get to a milestone 5th publication in my column, we have a great selection of topics to talk about this week. Topics include the new forum layout, the Admins' decision to split the forums back into three by using tabs. Also included are the addition of youtube videos to be viewed on the forums themselves. The Trust who were shot and insided and of course, there was an update of the Help Desk.

I'm sure you are looking forward to reading it as I am sitting here about to write it. Let's kick off with the forums. Please tell me why the forums went backwards to those that were used back in 2003. I think Sabin said it was done to solve all problems. As far as I can see, there weren't any to begin with. Maybe I don't see all that goes on but I never remember anyone complaining about the previous forums.

Sure enough, the only forum was inundated with "I'M QUITTING" and "WHAT KIND OF S*IT IS THIS?!" topics and I made a prediction that a big percentage of BL users would no longer log in. Then came the topics of those wanting the forums to just be split back into three since the whole forum layout would not revert back, myself included.

This is when a lot of non-believers of the Bootleggers Staff realised that, shock horror, they do actually listen to the average player. Before long, the forums were split into tabs and large numbers were happier. The filter is still there which, to be honest, irritates me a whole deal, but, like a lot say, I'll have to get used to it.

Then the refresh button was added, one that seems to auto-refresh every so often, particularly when you're typing a reply to a thread. If I had £1/$1/€1 (any other currency of BL player) for every time I saw a completely random answer in the main Forum thread in the Game Forum where someone has been caught by that auto-refresh, then I'd be quite rich. To be honest, I was seriously wondering whether BL had been ruined when the new forums came to pass, and was considering quitting myself, since you probably all know how much I use them. However, I decided when the Admins split the forums back into three, it was made bearable. I'd like to see, as suggested earlier this week, if a change as big as the forums is to be made, test it out first and see what the opinions are because although many were okay with the new change, I didn't see anyone actively ask for it. Maybe I said not a lot in a lot words but there you go.

Secondly this week, I'd like to get opinions on the youtube addition to the forums. Personally I like it, up until the point I forget that if I decide to look at another topic while listening to the youtube video, and I realise it stops the video. That's the main problem with it for me, which let's be honest, isn't a huge one. I think it's a nice addition and in a way, stops the already decreasing amount of rickrolls. The only thing that happens now is opening a topic that you think isn't a video of Rick Astley, yet lo and behold, there he is. People created yet more topics on how it was pointless. You know what, maybe it is pointless but a nice little addition, no matter how pointless, is still a nice little addition.

The Trust were again involved in major action this week after the ever-welcomed arrival of the self-proclaimed Legends. They had managed to make friends with the Nation Don and picked upon TT to get a spot. Little did they know, other Crews who were allies of the victims, prepared to give them help. They resorted to an insider, in my opinion, the lowest of the low of taking over Crews in order to succeed. Well done TL. However, having got the spot, they managed to give it to Cat, who has increased in my estimations, and insided them. I've never seen a Crew lose it again so quickly. However, inevitably with little numbers in the Crew, another shooter got TL's spot back. I applaud TL's shooting, since they brought action but don't inside, that's just annoying, regardless of the fact I was a victim of the insider's hard kick.

Finally, the Help Desk was updated this week as well. A brilliant update, it has to be said. Obviously, tell me if you don't think so, but I sent in about 5 tickets, and all were answered quickly and efficiently. Even one where the first HDO couldn't answer it, another Staff member did. Now that each Staff member has a number, it has of course provoked a lot of people to try and work out who is who. Unless you're incredibly bored, what the hell makes you do that? Brilliant, so you know who answered it. So what?

Those who think or know the answers to questions I may have asked throughout this, please post them under this article. Also, for those who rate the article, please give a critique, what you liked, didn't like, agreed with, didn't agree with, etc.


I guess that is all for this week, tell me what you think of it all and I'll see you all next week. Until then, I bid you adieu.

~ LW