Sunday, March 15th, 2009
Issue: 117   Editor: Nyxxie

Telling It Like It Is... BrickTamland

Hello and welcome again, this is the 8th publication in the series and it's going to be a small article unfortunately since I've had very little time in which to write this since I've been really quite busy this week.

Firstly, an overview of what happened. BooM14, the State Don, went on a killing spree of the Notoriously rich. Gentlemen of Fortune came onto the Stats lead by KHv29 (KingdomHeart), as well as The Corleones, bought from The Notorious Gangsters. From the Stats went The Vanguard and Made Men in different ways and the familiar promotions of State Dons, this week being Claartje and lisana.

Relating to BooM14's killing spree, he killed those however many people removing something like $5 billion from the Game. A topic was created in the Game Forum earlier asking whether the Billionaire rank should be implemented. My question is, if there are still people like the State Dons and certain underground crews, still actively seeking out and shooting Notoriously Rich users in the hope of reducing game money, why would anyone want the Billionaire status implemented? Yes, I'm sure it'd be fun to watch rich people getting killed, especially if you happen to be sitting in the FSA corner, but it's just not practical. It would create walking targets for those against rich people to shoot. I would say it would make some people quit.

As I say, since it's been so busy, I'm going to wrap it up after my next point, and that is an update to the FAQ. Okay, I understand there is a list to what work the Administration team is doing and of course Moderators. But I would suspect it's worth taking a few of the Staff, maybe HDOs when they have enough time to re-work the FAQ. At the end of the day, it helps new players. A decent FAQ section could be the difference between new faces in Bootleggers or them deciding it's not worth bothering. It could expand the Game further. Let's be honest, it's out of date, even to the point where you access the old forums if you click to go to them from the FAQ section. I'd have to say it'd improve the standing of the Game, in my eyes anyway, by a great margin.

So, that being said, I think that's about it for this week. I'd like to point out yet again, for those who rate the article, please give a critique, what you liked, didn't like, agreed with, didn't agree with, etc.

Thanks! Until then, I bid you adieu.

~ LW