Sunday, February 25th, 2007
Issue: 12   Editor: Nyx

Return of the Legend TheSkyOrBust

We have numeral Help Desk Operators now, but how many of the old ones are still around. OldDragon (LadyDraco) has been a HDO for a long time now as has Air and Shaggerty. But what of the old Help Desk Operators, that we no longer see? The unexpected return of one such person occurred not long ago. Not many of you may remember him; he (in his words) “amassed a total of 9 long months as HDO”. If you haven't already guessed or don't know it is the legendary Mysteriousplace, or MP. I found him lingering on IRC as he used to way back then and asked him some questions:

Firstly, how soon after the reset did you rejoin?

My profile says 20th October 2006, but I also joined bootleggers at the start of 2005. I was a Help Desk Op from I believe April-June-ish 2005 to Feb/March 2006

What made you want to rejoin the game after such a long period of time away?

Well a combination of things. I missed the whole humorous fact that Bootleggers provided me - the endless banter on IRC, idiotic messages that kept me amused. I most of all missed the friends that I had made (fortunately most of them are still here in some form or another!)

What have you been doing with your time off?

I've been travelling a lot. Stayed a month in Vietnam, 1 month in Italy and France and a bit of time in Spain. Soon I will be doing the same again - for the next to years I have visits to China, Tanzania + Kenya, Germany and America planned. Also yes, the rumours are true that I’ve been out and about getting drunk! LOL

Has your period of being a Help Desk Operator changed how you will play the game?

I view it as a more social game now than an actual game. I socialise more with players than I spend time ranking up and earning money!

Would you consider becoming a Help Desk Operator again if offered the chance?

I would consider it. However by looking at HDO figures now, I'm not sure if I’m needed. But the saying goes: you can never have too much help

What is the funniest or stupidest thing you were ever asked during your time as a HDO?

Now that is really testing my long-term memory! I think the stupidest thing I was ever asked was how to log out from the game. I guess there are some very computer phobic people out there.

Are you surprised over the promotions of Mods and Admins that have occurred since you've been away?

Not at all. Sabin put a lot of effort into the game and he deserves his promotion to Admin. As for the promotions to moderators, I haven’t been here to see about that!

What aims do you have for your future game play?

Get back in touch with old friends, rank up again...and just socialise!

How many more old players can we expect to make a dramatic return? How many of them will come back and cause as much mischief as they used to? How many of them will soon be “numero uno” in the game? Whatever the outcome we can be sure MP will be around, to point and laugh at them. Hold onto your seat, there is a new contestant in the Top Dog race.