Sunday, April 5th, 2009
Issue: 120   Editor: Mikamon

Is It Worth It? CarlosG

These days you see s dons who you may have never heard of, they spend day after day ocing and doing crimes and gta’s just to gain experience, whereas some people would argue that its much more fun to join crews and get into fights, than to have 2 weeks of fame after a year or so of playing quietly ug is it really worth it, what could be all of a years work could be wiped away with one random killing spree ,I personally would hate it ,as much as I dislike logging onto my account and seeing the all to familiar “you have been killed screen” I enjoy being part of a crew and feeling like im part of something.

I asked various other players what they thought.D0nCorleone, the NJ state don replied “I enjoyed the hard work to get here. I like the fact that I had to earn it because it pays off in the end. It just feels good. And I've never been in a crew so I couldn't tell you what I think about them” And “Even at S Don, dying isn't a big deal, yeah it means I'm gunna have to start a new account and restock the bullets, but with the right number of points this is almost too easy really . Plus I aint here to be famous, I'm just here to have fun using the benefits of being an s don ”was the response I got from aidykinayster the new Michigan State Don.

In trying to get an un-biased opinion I managed to get a wonderful glowing green message in my inbox with Andy saying “Well although it's not impossible to do both, I would think that being a State or Nation Don would be something that most people would choose if they had a choice. As it is hard to do that, anyone can get in a crew, rise up the ranks and kill people. It's much harder to stay alive long enough to get to State Don” which just shows that the real appeal of it is the challenge of getting to that sort of position even for just a short length of time.