Sunday, July 12th, 2009
Issue: 134   Editor: MikaMania

Back to Business! MotherFrick

Bootleggers witnessed the demise of TFW last week, and Strictly Business returned to that very same spot. The Buzz contacted Kinky, the boss of Strictly Business, and MissTrigger, the underboss, to ask them a few questions.

The Buzz started the interview by asking MissTrigger how she felt about being back on the statistics and stated, "It's great, I love it, everyone in Strictly Business is buzzing about being back. Everyone loves it! Hopefully we will be prepared for every attack." Kinky added, "As Trigger said, it is amazing to be back on the statistics, it's really good and fun. Hopefully we will be back for quite some time."

The Buzz then turned the interview toward how long Strictly Business planned the return. Kinky said, "We always planned on returning to the statistics, our underground shooters have been stocking up on bullets for a long time to insure us staying on the stats for a while." MissTrigger said, "We have always planned to return. We wanted to wipe/attack Ombra Di Lucifer and Eternal Labyrinth, but sadly, The Syndicate beat us to it."

The Buzz wondered what MissTrigger would say to Eternal Labyrinth, the crew who had wiped them previously. She said, "Eternal Labyrinth thought they had us fooled with their 'truce,' but we always knew it was fake, and we were planning revenge after they wiped us. However, as mentioned before, The Syndicate beat us to it. Only time will tell if Eternal Labyrinth will return to the Statistics, and we will get our revenge." Kinky added, "Eternal Labyrinth are now in the past our problems, we're sorted with them, only time will tell if they return."

It is clear that Strictly Business hope to be on the Statistics longer than last time, but we will have to wait and see what's in store for them. It also looks like the rivalry between Strictly Business and Eternal Labyrinth is not yet over, we will have to stay tuned and find out!