Sunday, August 9th, 2009
Issue: 138   Editor: MikaTheGoofball

The Deadly Alliance Returns! FrickenChicken

After only one week off the statistics, after having been wiped previously, Bootleggers witnessed the second return of The Deadly Alliance. The Buzz got in touch with crew's underboss, Breeze, but sadly, we were only able to get a few things from him.

Every crew in this game hates getting wiped, but the Buzz wondered how The Deadly Alliance felt about being wiped last week. Breeze said, "Well, we knew it was coming so it wasn't much of a shock. The only shock was how long it took."

Next, the Buzz wondered how had The Deadly Alliance attained its current spot. Breeze said, "The spot was not bought, it was given to The Deadly Alliance courtesy of Perpetual Elysium :: TS."

The Buzz is extremely sorry that we were only able to attain this information.