Sunday, October 4th, 2009
Issue: 146   Editor: Shaktoolik

Wanted: Random Questions Shaktoolik

As promised, Behind the Name will be making its return shortly. Some minor adjustments have been made, however the article will still feature most of the things you were used to. Like previous time, the Buzz is looking for random questions. You probably remember them, the funny, surprising and crazy questions the lucky ones were asked and had to answer to give the segment its very own twist.

After having been without the article for such a long time, and bearing the previous releases in mind, coming up with random questions can be quite hard, especially if you have already used quite a few in the past. That is why the Buzz would like to ask you, our reader, to submit all your crazy, funny and interesting random questions as a 'Contest Entry', who knows, if we feel your question is what we are looking for you might see your own question in the segment, of course with your name as well.

If there are exceptional suggestions there might even be a small reward. Help us return a segment that so many players have missed, submit your random questions and enjoy the answers of the players that are asked!