Sunday, April 15th, 2007
Issue: 19   Editor: iAir

A Possible New Feature? Steelback

Some time ago, while surfing the Game Forum on a boring night, I came across a topic with the title "Feature Suggestion." The features,
normally terrible, usually give a laugh. But this one, however, happened to 'tickle my fancy,' if you will.

A player suggested that there be a feature in which you could kill yourself with only one bullet, and with no search. This is certainly
a useful feature for the people who wish to start fresh. However, there are cons to this. What if hacked? That would make it easy for
the unknown hacker to kill you, not just put you on vacation. This way would benefit the hackers, in a way that would never allow you to
know who stole all your money and/or points.

I asked two state dons their opinions. One to share theirs with us was State Don, Wanderer and the other, State Don, Grace.

Wanderer stated, "No, I don't think its necessary, if people like to quit or terminate their account they can ask a ban and just log out."

Grace was thinking along the same lines as Wanderer and agreed with him, "I think thats kinda pointless," said Grace. "I fail to see the
use of it! If you don't want to play, log out and request a ban."

Given all the facts, Wanderer and Grace definitely gave something to think about! What do you think? Do you, as an average player, think
this is a good option?

Until next time Bootleggers!

This is Steelback, signing off. Keep your stick on the ice!