Sunday, April 22nd, 2007
Issue: 20   Editor: MsNyxxie

Promotion Day! MsNyxxie

It was promotion day April 18th, 2007 on Bootleggers. We saw two Help Desk Operators make Moderator, two former HDOs sworn in once again and one new HDO join the team.

Air and Shaggerty, our new Moderators, quickly attacked that long list of pending help tickets and in a span of two days, managed to lower the number from 2053 to 1424 as of Saturday, 3:30pm BL time.

In an interview with Air, he thought the biggest difference from HDO to moderator was that he "basically [has] very few limitations now. When I was HDO I wanted to just jump in and get dupes banned, whereas I can now do that." And now, although he has "little time for speaking to friends," Air so far has "managed to work out a nice little routine where I can juggle them both together - don't wanna lose contact with the ones that helped me get here." As far as the Buzz is concerned, Air plans to continue with the Buzz , "I didn't use the Buzz to get me to this point so I don't plan to forget it and ditch the writers who've put a lot of effort into the Buzz. They deserve something back. I'll continue to edit the Buzz along with Nyxxie, as the only thing that will stop me from doing so is if real-life and Mod'ship get a bit too crowded together for me to handle the job as editor of the Buzz.

Shaggerty, on the other hand, feels that the biggest differences are "the work load and the amount of bootmails received. The first 2 days were more Congratulatory, then after that it was all requests for Dupe Checks, bans etc. Also old friends asking if I was still going to speak to them at all." Which, to get off the subject quickly, he followed with, "I don't want that to ever happen, without some of the friends I have, I'd never have got to this position. I'd hate to just forget about them." His favorite thing about being a moderator now is the fact that he can now finally "ban the culprits I spotted as a Help Desk Op. It's nice to be looked up to by the players of the game, and nice to know I can improve game play by banning the cheaters." While his least favorite is "not being able to gamble. Anyone who knows me know I love to play Race Track and Blackjack. Going to be a shame that I can't do that. Another bad thing is that the Elite Guard forum is serious. In my old crews I could have a joke and a laugh with the members. With the Elite Guard it's all about improving the game and making it a better environments."

Joining the help desk for the first time is BigMommaReturns1, while returning to the help desk for a second time are Knuckles and LukkyBvIII.

Good luck to all!