Sunday, December 9th, 2007
Issue: 52   Editor: Nyxxiekins

Stupid Players BlowYourLoadOut

This day and age with all of the technological advancements in the world, you would think that people would only have the ability to get smarter. Well guess what, you are wrong.

While browsing through the forums I come across a thread that is entitled "free game", so being the greedy player that I am, I go into the thread just to find out that it is not free at all. The very first line in this thread "send at me 50k". So first of all, this player can not type proper English, and second if people have to send you money, then it is not free.

So not only is this person not able to use the English language, but does not know the definition of the word "free." This just goes to show how people are de-evolving as time progresses rather then evolving into smarter species like what was intended. So in closing I would just like to say, and I quote, "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind."

Until next time this is BlowYourLoadOut, drop me a line for advice on my next article.