Sunday, December 16th, 2007
Issue: 53   Editor: Nyxxiekins

A Little Nip/Tuck for the Help Desk LadySylv

As most of you noticed, the format of the Help Desk tickets changed. We were lucky that Sabin gave us a statement on this subject.

"Recently, the Help Desk has received a minor face lift. The format of Help Desk responses has been changed to be easier to read at a glance and more logical in layout, not to mention a more professional
look in general. Also, the level of staff member that answered your question is no longer included in the answer. We believe this to be unimportant, since all of our staff and HDOs are trained professionals equally qualified to give correct answers and solve problems. The Help Desk will be undergoing a few other minor changes in the coming weeks, as I strive to provide the best help and feedback system possible to our players. Thank you."

The new layout was noticed yesterday and it looks like this:

Category: ***
Subject: ***
Question: ***

Answer: ***

If you have further questions regarding this matter
or any other, please make a new help ticket.
You cannot reply to this message. Thank you.

Sabin also changed a few things in the script, and made it possible for Help Desk Operators, BootCast DJ's and Buzz writers to access their forums and tools right away, after getting banned or killed.