Sunday, January 20th, 2008
Issue: 58   Editor: Nyxxinator

Want to find them all? Think again CharlesLuciano

Sabin decided it's not going to be a trend! We all saw how the statistics (stats) page witnessed the deaths of all Legendary Dons. Respectable Dons shockingly started falling soon after, until Sabin thought the search feature is the reason of these misdeeds.

Players used to be able to search as many names as they wanted by entering a few letters of the name and, even worse, someone could find all the players with a certain rank by entering the "MySQL % and _ " characters in the search box!

Any player who looked doomed to die, or at least wanted to have some fun before dying, took it out on the high ranks. This temporary trend made the number of State Dons as little as 3, which became 2 after Boomsoung ranked up to become Nation Don.

We found ourselves playing in a semi-post reset mode, with more money though. High ranks gone extinct and any player who ranked found the same destiny until Sabin changed that option. He added a game forum sticky, announcing you can't search random high ranks to kill anymore... so keep an eye out, you might get lucky!