Sunday, January 21st, 2007
Issue: 6   Editor: Nobody

Dies Irae? Where? TheSnake

It started with the shooting of the original crew by The Deadly Alliance. What we are concerned with here is what happened after that. The background to the events involving Levice and the crew Dies Irae are fairly simple. After MHL were shot, the crew fell to DeLeTe who, although he had previously been a MHL member, sold it to the Dies Irae members and left the crew.

The next part of the saga continues with information from Rouge, aka Levice. As he said himself, "I personally hate backstabbing, so started my searches immeditately". His claim was that in selling the crew, DeLeTe had backstabbed Mr and Mrs Hansa, thus Dies Irae holding the crew spot.

From here, we move onto the story from Dies Irae's point of view. Milton, one of the bosses of DI, told us that the buying of the crew was the "initiative of a few DI members, and was not supported by the DI council beforehand". He also said that they prefer to either buy a clean crew spot or to take one over themselves.

The DI members who bought it did so because it was cheap, not because they were particularly after the MrHansamann's Legion crew spot. On asked whether they knew Levice was shooting, Milton said, "They knew that there was going to be a shooting, but they thought it was more likely that it would be either Mr or Mrs Hansa". But at the end of the day, he also said that the person firing the bullets was irrelevant, the fact was that they were shot. Although the DI members holding the crew spot knew to expect trouble, they had no idea when and from whom so they had no chance to prepare. The kills were made quickly, and within six hours of the searches starting, nine members had died, the first having been shot within just three hours.

As to what happened after that, Rouge kept shooting until the crew ended up in PsychoJackie's hands, who being an infiltrant of MHL, returned it to Jordan. The crew spot was then briefly in the hands of BigJoe and Jordan, as 'Kings of Heaven', but was then taken by Winter Hill Gang, aka Angels of Death. Franchise and WHG now own the crew spot but it may or may not be an interesting future for them and their place on the Crew list.

Levice used 6,000 points which were converted into 300,000 bullets - all of which were shot. As a closing gambit, he said, "I feel this game needs some action, its getting too boring. I acted like I said I would, more people should do that".