Sunday, March 16th, 2008
Issue: 65   Editor: Nyxxisaurus

Escrow Down - But for How Long? MrHanky

On the 14th March, the sun rose in the wonderful world of Bootleggers like any other. However it was to change. As the day wore through, topics started to appear in the Game Forum as they do when something out of the ordinary happens. It was not a new feature, but it had to do with the Escrow page. More and more players seemed to be complaining that their Escrow would not work when completing a transaction.

Escrow is a much-used feature in Bootleggers with a lot more emphasis on its part in the game being played since sending points directly to players was removed. This means Escrow is the only way for points transactions. This also extends to casino-trading between players and car transfers, etc. This is a major part of trading in Bootleggers meaning its absence of working correctly could put a big dent in Bootleggers' shining armour.

The main problems seen by players usually occurred during the finalization process of each transactions. I attempted to use Escrow myself and sure enough I ended up having problems. When I added my items and clicked 'Finalize', it came up with a little red information message stating I had already finalized my items. This left me with a page which I could not progress from and which left me only to click 'Cancel' or wait for the time to expire. I decided to test it again after the time had expired, but sure enough I ended up stuck at the same stage.

Not long after the Escrow complaints were plastered over the forums, a STICKY topic was made by Moderator VooDooDoll about the issue. It simply stated that "The Moderators are aware that there is an issue and it has been reported to the Admins". This being said, the advice given is to just "be patient until it is looked into".

How much will this affect the players? Depending on how long this minor fault in Bootleggers lasts, will determine how frustrated the players will become. But be careful, Elite Guard member Shaggerty has warned that "Please note that you are using Escrow at your own risk" and the "chances of refunds due to losses in Escrow is small". So beware when using it at this moment.