Sunday, July 27th, 2008
Issue: 84   Editor: NYX2000

Behind the Name NYX2000

Name: Justin
How old are you?: 16
Where are you from?: Canada
Why did you chose this as your name?: I got banned and I needed a new name and wanted to be UG for a while.
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: A lot, but I'm Underground!
Random Question: If Hollywood made a movie about you, who would be cast as you and why would they be picked?: I would've casted Heath Ledger because of his amazing acting abilities in "The Dark Knight". Too bad he died. I don't think there is another actor that would be that great.

Name: Jeff
How old are you?: 18
Where are you from?: USA
Why did you chose this as your name?: Long story wanna hear it send me 100k and bm me.
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: Midshipmen with diff variations.
Random Question: If you could own any sports team, which team would you take control of. What would be your first move as owner?: Minnesota Twins and get rid of Delmon Young.