Sunday, August 17th, 2008
Issue: 87   Editor: NYX2000

A day in the life of ... Subvenio

This week, I would like to introduce to you, the position of Crew Underboss. Some might call them Consigliere. The Crew Underboss is not only an adviser to the Crew Boss, but also second in the chain of command. If the Boss is away, the player with such a position steps in and takes control. It is often assumed that if the Crew Boss was to resign or be forced to step off his/her position, that the Underboss would take command of the crew as the new Boss.

When contacting the Crew Underbosses on Bootleggers, I was pretty pleased with their response, as most were willing to cooperate and answer a few simple questions. Some of course were not, but hey… Whatcha gonna do. Right?
The first question which I asked them was: How would they describe their position. Since it is one position which shares a lot of common points, regardless of what crew the position is in, the answers were not surprising. Assisting the crew boss and stepping in their place from time to time was what most pointed out, however, some added that their daily duties also include much, much more. Such as dealing with internal and external affairs and also help resolve issues or problems even when the crew boss is present.

We all know that the most important position in a crew is the Crew Boss, but how do the members feel about receiving orders from someone who is second in command? According to the players who hold this position, the members have yet to disobey an order or request. As someone who holds this position has proven worthy time and time and has earned the respect given to them. Members respect them as if they were the Bosses themselves, and according to some, regard them the same as they respect the council as a unity.

To finish off, I have asked them a question which I intend to ask all that I interview. A simple question of which word they would chose to describe their daily duties. Some said Advisor, some said Fun, some even stated Rollercoaster. Which I might add are two words!

So remember, every time you see a crew in action, it is not necessarily the crew Boss, but it might be the crew Underboss, acting from the background. Acting on instinct and intelligence in order to protect their crew from hard.