Sunday, March 21st, 2010
Issue: 20   Editor: Mika

Bootleggers Buzz Sound Off! Mika

This week's topic is about what you'd like to see being modified to the kill feature. With some players indicating they are not content with for instance the damage delivered to protection in a shoot-out the Buzz is curious to find out how you feel the Kill feature could be improved.

How do you think the "Kill" feature could be updated to improve it? What should be altered and why do you feel it will improve the feature?

Protection should not get damaged when you kill someone, its annoying. If that thing was not here I would make alot more kills
Protection should not get damaged when you kill someone, its annoying. If that thing was not here I would make alot more kills.

First thing should be considers is:
Protections should start doing what they are supposed to do! Which is basically protecting the guy having'em! A caddy is not much better than a Duesy which is kinda annoying!

put a code on the kill page for every 30 seconds max because some low ranks keep buying bullets and auto refresh the page on the killer after he found him/her on any state to keep the shooter off shooting when he/she travels to that state. ~Plastoyz

When you shoot a decent amount of protection is going off even if you have a caddy. This is standard i noticed. This sucks because if somebody is offline you can shoot 100 bullets to get most of the protection off and save a few thousand to kill him. Protection needs an update with this. ~T0mmee

Protection should be a set percent for x number of bullets (by rank obviously, and maybe a small amount of randomness throw in) ~JesusDidMary

Well, lets start with the current detectives, we have five of them !! I guess a lot of guys will agree that there is no significant difference between them, if you are going to keep them , at least let us see the advantages each one of them have, or simply get back to the old system
I agree with PRINCE that protection should start to protect people, the problem regarding it , that you can shoot a few amounts of bullets to ruin it, so the purpose behind having it will not be useful
I want the assassination thing back to the game, where the S.Don bodyguards can kill him with only 100 bullets, it will increase the sense of loyalty within crews and friends , you need to have the right person in the right position

simple solution to that is the leveling of the protection.

You have a bulletproof limo, once its completely damaged, the lower protection should still be at 100%. aka, bullet proof vest should be undamaged. because ffs, you had to buy it, but once its bought you just upgradeed not used any longer.

If the protection gets damaged so easily, you should indeed get a lower protection 100% since you have it, OR you should be able to buy the best protection immediattely ~DaveWouldNeverKillMe