Sunday, April 25th, 2010
Issue: 25   Editor: HowlingMadMika

The Weekly Flash HowlingMadMika

Welcome to the Weekly Flash. This article contains the highlights of the previous week and just the brief news that may have been covered more extensively in one of the other articles. We apologize for any events or achievements that have been left out of this week's Weekly Flash. If you have any suggestions for improvements, feel free to contact the Buzz.

A week of promotions! BossBossie is the new Nevada State Don, Musical is the new Illinois State Don, Chico is the new Pennsylvania State Don, and as PenIsland killed Dionysus, Abood, the former New York State Don is our new Nation Don.

In addition, BigBadFraggy was killed by Musical for wiping The Rapture. A wipe which he was paid for by Avarice. The Fraternity was wiped by Omdra Di Lucifer.

A game of Russian Crewlette has been started on the Game Forum by JDM, out of the name of JKL. Whether or not this is a joke is unknown at the time as the game is still in progress.