Sunday, May 23rd, 2010
Issue: 29   Editor: HowlingMadMika

The Weekly Flash HowlingMadMika

Kingpin001 was promoted and became the new California State Don. Furthermore, BetterLateThenNever became the new New York State Don, and he was off to a flying start by launching an attack on SB after his promotion. Probably as a result of that attack, however, he was shot not too long after. The spot he had left vacant was filled by Midway, later in the week.

The Clenched Fist crewspot that had been taken over by Eternal Labyrinth dropped this week, most likely due to all appeals having been declined. Chaos Soldiers took the opportunity to create a new spot, and The Clenched Fist also managed to return to the statistics by taking control of another spot.

Evocati was wiped by DecisiveVictory this week. Rumors stated this had something to do with the role Evocati played in the wipe of Avarice. However, the Buzz must stress that there we have been unable to get in contact with DecisiveVictory, thus the rumor has not been confirmed.