Sunday, July 4th, 2010
Issue: 35   Editor: HowlingMadMika

States Screen Wiped in Big State Don Shootout Seanlold

This week, a State Don called Oops brought the Buzz an article when he shot and killed several State Dons and the Nation Don. A second wave then followed where The Gambino Family were taken out.

According to Oops, who shot on behalf of Resistance, the reason behind the shootings were simple: to "show power". He elaborated on this by saying that taking out the highest ranks in the game shows what Resistance are capable of. He also explained that he shot at The Gambino Family because their State Don killed one of Resistance's members and he also thought it would be fun.

Over 10,000 points were exchanged in order to make up the astonishing 600,000 bullets fired in this mass shootout. Oops claimed that using 10,000 points for one shootout shows that "this amount is nothing to [Resistance]". He rounded it off with a self-satisfied "I guess they saw the power" that Resistance have.

When questioned about whether this is Resistance's return for this round, Oops said that this was just a "sample" of what the crew is capable of. He made sure to let everyone know that Resistance means business: "Every user online is a target for us... you won't expect who we will shoot but be sure we will screw someone else soon". Ominous.

So, as is usually the case on Bootleggers, we have a crew showing everyone what they are capable of. Oops certainly made some bold claims and seems to believe that Resistance are capable of dominating plenty of other crews with the amount of points the crew has. Will anyone stop Resistance before they are able to unleash more attacks? Or will they succeed once more? The Buzz will let you know.