Sunday, August 29th, 2010
Issue: 43   Editor: HowlingMadMika

Bootleggers Buzz Kareoke! PoisonBullet

Having been killed fairly recently for some unknown reason, it's become a little harder to find an OC!

Back in the day when I was iPoison, a lofty Legendary Godfather, finding or filling an Organised Crime was never a problem. I'd post in the Classifieds (as they are where OC related topics go, for you idiots who continue to post in the game forum) that I was leading or that I needed an OC, and within two minutes the only problem I would be facing was trying to read and reply to the barrage of messages that had just reached my inbox. However, since I was brutally and unjustly murdered, (since when does killing six bullet factory owners warrant death?) I have been finding filling and joining OCs a little more difficult, every high ranked account seems to be singing the same tune... To the tune of relight my fire as performed by Take That; here it is:

Reset my Timer By The Association of Rankists, known for some reason as 'Take This'. 

Help me escape this waiting, till I can oc again!
I don't need you that much but I know you really want me
But if you just pay up in the name of rank
Then send the escrow and show me the points
Come on you know my rank is worth the price 
So like a rankist in the forums, just listen to what I have to say....

Reset my timer!
Your points are all I require
Reset my timer! 
'Cos you neeeeeed.. (you neeed) my rank!

Turn back time with your points to when my timer said zero
You should remember, no matter what the time is I can oc with you (for some points)
So if you just pay up in the name of rank!
Paying points opens up all possibilities! 
The oc will give you load of e.x.p!
So like a rankist in the forums, just listen to what I have to say....

Reset my timer!
Your points are all I require
Reset my timer! 
'Cos you neeeeeed.. (you neeed) my rank!