Sunday, August 29th, 2010
Issue: 43   Editor: HowlingMadMika

The Weekly Flash HowlingMadMika

Welcome to the Weekly Flash. This article contains the highlights of the previous week as well as brief news that may have been covered more extensively in one of the other articles.

This week
Sixtoes, the Nation Don, was shot by Hypaspistoon and ImmaStar made it to Illinois State Don, and to Nation Don after that. His successor as Illinois State Don goes by the name of StreetCrime.

Dirty House kicked all of its members and shot the holder that was left. The reason for doing this was to give the crew the chance to downgrade and get a fresh start with more active members.

Resistance Disagreement made an appearance on the statistics by purchasing La Onda. Furthermore, The Clenched Fist was wiped by Komodo, but quickly made its return. The second crew to be wiped this week was The Usual Suspects, the killer was Lordwell (HolyBalls) of Event Horizon.

Past week
Multi, the New Jersey State Don, was killed.

Vikings Renegade were wiped by Triad, and the game welcomed The Notorious Gangsters on the statistics. Furthermore, Virtual Reality dropped two crews and kill a few accounts suspected of being money holders.