Sunday, February 8th, 2009
Issue: 112   Editor: Mikamon

Ice Hits the Stats! iSmurf

Ice made its first appearance onto the stats on the 6th of January after Tuvia bought the crew off of FinalKarma, who purchased the new spot and advertised it as for sale within a matter of a day. When the Buzz asked why, “Well, recently, I've not played as actively as I once did so I've lost touch with alot of old friends. To keep the spot for serious purposes, I needed trustworthy friends. To have a laugh with it, I needed my friends.”

This meant that Ice was able to make an offer on the spot and make their way onto the stats, and when we asked FinalKarma why he chose to sell the crew to Tuvia he said that he gave him a “decent offer,” and added, “There was pleanty of interest, but most offers were around the 1k points mark.” The Buzz approached Tuvia and asked him a few questions about his thoughts and plans for Ice.

Tuvia told us that he had bought the crew from FinalKarma for “1,5k pts.” He then went on to say that the original founder of Ice is no longer around, “Founder is klokslag12, he quitted. Me and TDSv3 are the bosses now,” this means that it was Tuvia and TDSv3 who had to make the decision to bring Ice out from the underground.

Ice has only been around for a “few weeks,” however it seems that Tuvia and TDSv3 were not worried about taking it to the stats, despite its short time underground. He also added that he is “Not really,” worried about the concerns from other players, that the five crew spots created will bare some strain as they try to grow; Such as FinalKarma who said, “at the moment I think it's a bit of a scramble for aspiring crew owners to make a name for themselves.”

Finally, Tuvia revealed that his plans for the crew are to “stay peacefull and grow.” Let’s hope that he is able to achieve this in the future and that Ice grows and prospers into a crew that can offer a lot to the Bootleggers community.

The Buzz wishes Tuvia and TDSv3 the best of luck with their crew, Ice and hopes to hear good things from the crew in the future. A thank-you also goes to FinalKarma to agreeing to speak with us.