Sunday, February 15th, 2009 |
Issue: 113 |
Editor: Mikamon |
SB's Bloody Valentine |
Mikamon |
February 14th took a bloody course for Strictly Business (SB). As members started to get shot and the crew kept dropping to another holder, people assumed the crew was under attack. However, when the shootings suddenly ceased, it turned out that the shooters had an insider, who finished the job they had started. Shortly after the shooting, it became clear that Eternal Labyrinth (EL) was behind the initial attack and the takeover.
After the takeover, the Buzz contacted DeadRabbitS (AlwaysDeadRabbitS), crewboss of EL, to find out the how and why of the event. We had reason to believe they were going to inside us, DeadRabbitS said. We decided to move quicker and took them down first. He also told us how EL managed to inside SB. We had a member in SB who we contacted as soon as we intended to take them down. He continued, We shot all ranks above him until he held the spot and kicked out the rest.
Shortly after the insider had received the crew, original SB members started to get hard kicked and backup coming from EL was accepted into the crew. After the kicking, several other SB members were shot, seeing they were now easy targets with low health and no protection. 300,000 bullets were used yesterday when we took them down, DeadRabbitS told us. All bought from bullet factories.
At the end of this, we are left without SB on the stats and their aggressors, EL, now have two crewspots at their disposal. There are no plans yet, DeadRabbitS said in regards to the additional spot his crew now holds. We might sell if a buyer comes across, but we will probably give it away to a worthy crew to surface up to the stats page.
As it stands, the future of the crewspot previously owned by SB is still uncertain. Although DeadRabbitS and EL have several plans in mind, we are yet to see what will happen. In addition, we might see a return from SB, similar to what we have seen in the past. Like always, time will have to tell.