Sunday, February 22nd, 2009
Issue: 114   Editor: Mikamon

New State Don: NaturalBornKiller OvermindEV2

In the early beginning of this week, we welcomed NaturalBornKiller as our new California State Don. We caught up with him, and he was willing to give us some answers. Will there be another spree? Or perhaps a new crew? Find out whilst reading this!

To start of our chat, we asked NaturalBornKiller how he felt receiving the message that he has been promoted to State Don., “I felt glad, to reach the end of ranking for me, he said. I do not tend ranking to Nation Don. State Don is high enough for me.”

Later on in the conversation, we asked him what he wanted to do to complete his role as a State Don. He replied to us, “Well since I am not trying to rank to Nation Don, I try to get my underground crew on the Statistics, and helping friends in any way I can.”

Last but not least he wants to thank his friends “for helping me out to get the rank of State Don.” With nothing else to add, The Buzz wishes NaturalBornKiller best of luck with his crew.