Sunday, May 3rd, 2009
Issue: 124   Editor: Mikamon

An Insight in Crimes Mikamon

Written by ABVQv2

We have had the new crimes for a while now, but the Buzz has raised the question to a few players. Are they better than the last? The players we asked were TheZohan, CarelessWhisper and OvermindEv2.

“It was great to get some new crimes! Finally some more profit from crimes. It was nerving robbing a Swiss Bank and only got $250 before the updatings started. And it was a great adition, because the jails were filling up so we could bust way more,” said Overmindev2. However, according to TheZohan it’s a different story. “I found it rather stupid that we got our new crimes. We had to struggle our ass off to get money and rank enough to make an OC in the beginning...this is making it easier for new ppl, and those without friends. It’s not fair!”

Next The Buzz got around to the question whether or not auto burglary be updated now. “No, please stop with the useless updates,” is what TheZohan had to say and Careless whisper said, “I honestly have thought about it, but not alot. It wouldn’t really matter to me if it was updated, I don’t use auto-burglary much.”

Many players have said that you rank more from these new crimes, but do you really? OvermindEV2, who was Legendary Godfather when the new crimes were added, and who is now Don, said, “I don't know for sure, I ranked like the rank charts said. But yes I am using crimes more than usual.” TheZohan said, “No I was Don when they came, and I’m still Don!”

Everybody hates being stolen from, so we asked our victims if they did as well. “I don't find it annoying. If I have a large amount of money, I simply keep it in the bank. It's extortion, and it's part of the bootlegging world. As for the State/Nation Dons and casino owners, it's just something that comes along with the priviliage of what you are. Everything has its pros and cons,” said Carelesswhisper. OvermindeV2 brought up the subject of crew extortion. He said, “When stolen from me personally, I couldn't care less but with the 'crew extortion' option. It is pretty annoying because we can't 'use' that money.”

Hopefully The Buzz has given you the insight into how other players feel about these new crimes and maybe show you that you’re not the only one who feels that these new crimes hinder rather than help.