Sunday, June 7th, 2009
Issue: 129   Editor: Mikamon

TCO Feels the Wrath of a S.don. TheTsjMustGoOn

Wednesday the third of June, State Don MOON82 woke up from his apparent slumber and started picking off members of The Chicago Outfit. When the crew fell into his hands, MOON82 had all remaining members kicked and with the help of IAmAldarion, the spot was sold. First to Hear and then on to the present owners, Paradise. MOON82 was not done shooting yet however.

A list of people MOON82 shot during his spree, taken from his profile.

Firstly we asked IAmAldarion a few question regarding the crewspot because at the time the S. Don was still hunting. According to Aldarion, Fierce Allegiance had nothing to do with the shootings at all. He was asked by MOON82 to help sell the crew when he had taken it over. According to Aldarion, he decided to agree to help because he had received recent information that TCO or people allied to them were planning a move on FA. Last but not least Aldarion said, “We didn't order the attack, nor did we fund it, nor did we make any profit out of it.”

On to the State Don. MOON82 was happy to answer my questions, though he politely asked us to wait until he was done shooting. After killing a total of 55 accounts, MOON82 patiently answered our questions. The first question we asked was the “Why?” off course. He said, “TCO had a UG crew with them, named "Blood Line Killahz" and they tried to use me to shoot for them and give them a spot. After thinking about that, I changed my mind and decided to stay alone without crews, so that is why I shot them, before they would shoot me.”
No crews were involved in the planning, as it was an act of a lone gunman, so to speak. Everything went pretty much as planned. Two people survived the shooting, and a few others travelled while MOON82 was shooting so they had to be re-searched. All in all, some 200.000 bullets were used.

The drink of choice for the shooter was coffee, no snacks were eaten and a few cigarettes were smoked. The final question of why MOON28 thinks he is still alive was answered, “I think I shot most of their shooters. TCO probably did not have any outside shooters.”