Sunday, July 19th, 2009
Issue: 135   Editor: MikaTheGoofball

The end of an era? IShallPersevere

Crews were the centre of attention as the week progressed, bullets moved around like taxis in New York. However one crew that was wiped, and may not be seen again was The H.I.L.L. Family. It was wiped in one of many rounds of shootings undertaken by Event Horizon this week. The Buzz caught up with xxClaraxx, boss of The H.I.L.L. Family, to get her reaction to the wipe and see what possible future plans she had for the crew.

After speaking to most of the other crews wiped, and learning that none of them had any idea that a wipe would be coming from Event Horizon, the Buzz wondered if this was also true for The H.I.L.L. Family. We asked Clara, who told us, “Not at all, Betty and I used to be friends last reset and I thought we still were to some degree.” She went on to say, “I have other friends in EH also... I honestly didn't think they would.” Clearly then Event Horizon’s members put crew before friendship in these shootings, perhaps adding to the element of surprise in the attacks.

The Buzz also spoke to Betty, boss of Event Horizon, who told us the reason her crew had targeted The H.I.L.L. Family’s member grillsergeant had been rude to members of Event Horizon. We asked Clara for her reaction to this, and she responded, “I heard from a friend in EH that they had been planning the shootings for several days, and the Grills incident happened only one day before we got wiped.” She continued, telling us, “So I personally think they were just trying to look for excuses. I think they wanted to wipe all crews with a low member count. Since they are the easiest targets.” Clearly then Clara feels that Event Horizon’s members were always looking for a reason to wipe The H.I.L.L. Family. However, the fact that this reason was presented to Event Horizon’s members by grill may now be regretted by the members of The H.I.L.L. Family.

During the course of the wipe, The H.I.L.L. Family’s crew profile was changed to include allegations of cheating on the part of Event Horizon’s members, along with the line ‘Betty is a complete bitch’. We asked Clara what was meant by this message. She said, “For the record, I did NOT do any of that, I was already shot and the crew had dropped to members when that happened, so one of the members did that.” She carried on, telling us, “Like I stated in the forum, I don't agree with what was said in that message. I'm sure they got all their bullets used for the shootings in honest ways.” The crew profile obviously edited by frustrated members during a wipe they had not anticipated, showing also the anger felt by the members of The H.I.L.L. Family. Possibly there is a feeling from the members that the wipe could have greater implications than just the loss of a spot.

With Event Horizon’s boss telling us earlier in the week that she hoped for retaliation. The Buzz then asked Clara if she or any of The H.I.L.L. Family’s members would be providing any of this anticipated and wanted retaliation. However, it appears not, as she informed us, “No revenge from my part... I think I'm just about all bootlegged out.” This a very interesting statement. Will this be the last we see of Clara? After this answer, the Buzz was interested as to whether The H.I.L.L. Family would be making its return to the stats in the future. Clara simply told us, “Not likely.” So, The H.I.L.L. Family will not be making its return, and therefore will leave the stats known as just one of the victims of Event Horizon’s massacre.

At the conclusion of the interview, Clara had one final statement to make, saying, “While I didn't exactly enjoy being wiped by a crew I had considered ‘friendly’ to us, I know it's all a game. And I would like to officially apologize for what was said on my crews profile.” Clearly Clara would prefer to amend any issues between the two crews than leave the stats with conflict in the atmosphere. Will this be the last we see of Clara? Who knows? For now however, happy gaming!
