Sunday, December 24th, 2006
Issue: 2   Editor: Nobody

Bloodlust - The Overlook NyxxieV2

Death seems to be amongst; everywhere we turn it’s there. Friends turning on friends; crew takeovers; it all seems so “mafia,” and yet, we’re surprised when things like this happen.

All in all, approximately 1,850,000 bullets were used between the killings from the takeover of MrHansamann’s Legion and Revelation along with the other non-crew related killings such as the death of Nyxxie and MobMaster. However, that number is only a mere math calculation and the number could not be confirmed by Sabin and when asked for him do so, Sabin replied, “I can't give that information, sorry.That would constitute giving out game-sensitive information.”

This week was no-holds-barred; bullets were shot at anyone including crew leaders, bullet factory holders and casino owners and in the end, over 55 accounts were killed (including the original shooters themselves.)

However, is this the end of the blood bath? Upon talking to Jordan, one out of the three to take over MrHansamann’s Legion, he stated, “TWL [Two Weeks Later, aka False Impression] is our next target.”