Sunday, May 6th, 2007 |
Issue: 22 |
Editor: MsNyxxie |
Behind the Name |
MsNyxxie |
Name: Issa Qandil.
How old are you?: Am 22 years old.
Where are you from?: Am from The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Jordan).
Why did you chose this as your name?: It reminds me with a real life friend. IseL is the combination Of Issa And WaeL.
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: For this round I don't have .. but before it was IseL , Qandil , and many more.
Random Question: If you were administrator for a day, what feature would you implement or takeaway?: I would implement an Online Auction System ... and i wouldn't takeaway anything.
Name: Evangelos
How old are you?: 22 years young
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
Why did you chose this as your name?: Most people know my as Angelo in real-life. I tried to sign up with different names but but they were all taken so i figured Angelo would make a nice BL-name too.
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: Calisto, xCalistox and Graphix were my old names. Not a big list, sorry to disappoint.
Random Question: What is your favorite holiday and why?: I would have to say Christmas. Seeing family members you didn't spoke to for quite a while and off course we can't forget the presents that we receive and give away.
Name: nikolas
How old are you?: 27
Where are you from?: Eastern Seaboard USA.
Why did you chose this as your name?: because I am the noodle Jesus.
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: bugger, bedbug, RamenNoodles, ArmoredInsect, Tarasque, PanFriedNoodles, RefriedNoodles, LoMeinNoodle, CupOfNoodles, InstantNoodles, TwiceBakedNoodles, TwiceBakedNoodle, RiceNoodle, PhatNoodle, PimpNoodle, SpicyNoodle, NoodleSensei, NoodleDupe, SadNoodle, BettyBsNoodle, YangNoodle, TestNoodle, NoodleContagion, InfectiousNoodle, AdeptNoodle, IncandecentNoodle, LuminescentNoodle, TheNoodleJesus, LubricatedNoodle, TheNoodleBomber, LickMyNoodle, AncientNoodle, ArchaicNoodle, DecrepitNoodle, AbominableNoodle, TheLochNessNoodle, HereticNoodle, NihilisticNoodle, LutraphobicNoodle, CookieNoodle, 7thWonderOfTheNoodle, NiggardlyNoodle, TheNoodleOfArrogance, GodIsANoodle, TrueNoodleLineage, DrunkenNoodle, LegendaryNoodleStyle, TheNoodleTechnique, NarcissisticNoodle, DesolateNoodle, TheHardboiledNoodle, KamikazeNoodle, AnAvalanceOfNoodles, NoodleJuice, TheAtomicNoodle, BeyondTheNoodle,TheRoosterNoodle, UntitledNoodle, NoodleNeedsTheBunny, ShoRyuKen, and TheChooChooPlane
Random Question: How many difference languages do you speak?: 1 albeit poorly.