Sunday, May 27th, 2007
Issue: 25   Editor: Air

Stock Market, Profitable Feature! Maqdah1

This stock market is like no other. I have seen a lot of fake stock markets but this one is the most volatile. What seems like a sure bet during the day, turns out to be a huge bust at night. In my experience with this extremely fun and addictive game, I have found an almost sure way to make money in the stock market.

The way I see it is that you have two choices in what kind of trader you would like to be. There is the long term or the short-term traders.

Let's talk about short term. This is where you are looking for a quick buck. The way to make money as a short-term trader is to spend about 30 minutes to one hour a day. First, watch the cheapest two or three stocks. Whenever they appear to increase, jump in to the roller coaster. When doing so, it is on average about a 30-40% gain and if you found the stock to be very cheap (one time I think Arrowhead was about $49) it sometimes goes up over 100%. It is crucial that you DO NOT sell when you see the price going down especially when you either have over 20% gain or the price is under $100 because there are always some people who seem hesitant and sell but don't worry it usually goes up. The question here is WHEN TO SELL?? That question I have been bothered ever since I started trading. Everyone will have different opinions and view points on when to sell, my theory is, if it is over $100 and dropping, SELL IMMEDIATELY!

The long-term trader is at it's hardest in the beginning but after you buy the stock it is easy street from there. You buy when you see a very cheap stock, do not buy a stock at 80 or 70. Wait till a stock is at its 60s or 50s (or if you're lucky, 20s). Buy some shares and hold on to them. After a while, it is very unlikely that the price goes down that low for a long time. Don't pay attention to them, just wait till whenever you want and sell because when you buy a stock cheap, it is extremely unlikely that you would loose.

With Bootleggers, it is completely certain that if you buy low (50-60 dollars per share), it is almost 100% sure that you will make money. Although, you must wait for the stock to go above 100%, which it always does!

Good luck in your Stock Market endeavors and may the force--er, stock be with you!