Sunday, June 17th, 2007
Issue: 28   Editor: Air

An Impossible Challenge? alatarielreturns

Ever wonder how many bootmails get sent out on an average day? In the world of Bootleggers, the average player depends on the BM system to communicate with others within the game. The BM, or bootmail, is essential for the things like joining Organized Crimes, crews, and just general stuff that occurs within the game. So imagine trying to play the game without sending a BM. Do you think you can do it? Well, I know of a player that is trying to accomplish just that.

A challenge, set down by Aristophanes, directed at StarFire aka StarDarkFame in which she had to reach the rank of Legendary Don without sending any BMs. If she accomplishes this, then he will reward her with 250 points. A thread soon started after the challenge was issued, and others have thrown their wager into the pot as well. As of today, a total of 600 points have been tossed into the challenge.

This challenge will be difficult to achieve. This means she must rely on MSN or phone to join OCs. This also means that since she is an HDO, you must use the help desk if you are to receive help from her. On her profile, you will notice she has issued a general "Thank you" for those that bust her from jail.

When I asked StarFire why she decided to take this challenge, she replied, "I guess the reason I wanted to be at zero BMs is to encourage them to use the HD ticket system. We get no credit for BMs, and it allows them to learn the feature submitting the tickets."

I asked several well-known and long time players/HDOs/mods if this has ever been accomplished. From the responses I received this has been attempted, but never accomplished. So will StarFire accomplish this seemingly impossible task? It is reported that she receives countless BMs each day from people trying to bait her into sending a BM. Will one of those people be successful? Only time will tell, but I'm sure it will be interesting to watch as she ranks up in the game.