Sunday, June 17th, 2007
Issue: 28   Editor: Air

Behind the Name MsNyxxie

Name: Christine
How old are you?: 23
Where are you from?: My nick kinda gives that away
Why did you chose this as your name?: Someone called me it once and I thought it was a nice nick
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: GangsterGirlyX mainly before the reset
Random Question: What is your favorite season and why: Summer!! I love the sun.

Name: Melvin
How old are you?: I am 16 years old
Where are you from?: I am from the Netherlands
Why did you chose this as your name?: Because this always been my nickname for games
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: Refu, Refuv2 , RefuX
Random Question: Out of all the staff members, who is your favorite and why?: Air and Shaggerty I just like them they are very active and I *heart* them

Name: Suge
How old are you?: 20 Years young.
Where are you from?: Im from Lancaster England
Why did you chose this as your name?: I heard it in a film once. I can't remember which film though
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: Just from this reset: Suge, PastorSuge, LifeWithoutParole.
Random Question: What song describes your life story?: Hmmmm I have absolutely no idea at all Depends on my mood