Sunday, June 17th, 2007
Issue: 28   Editor: Air

The return of The Spartan Warriors Arda

Gone for less then a week, after being wiped, they quickly returned and even got their old crew-spot back. The crew I am talking about is of course The Spartan Warriors. They got wiped by Revelation about a week ago and only a couple of days after being wiped/taken over they managed to return to the stats. Not by an inside takeover or wipe but simply by negotiating.

Talking with Revelation was how Youniversal and the other Spartans got their crew-spot back. Carlito was willing to tell us something about what had been talked over and how things actually happened.
“I contacted Youn about it and we managed to come to an agreement along with Imperator,” he said “The agreement meant there would be no killing anymore on either part as both crews have had their go at it.”

There is peace now between the two crews. But why did they start talking?
“We like to try be fair and as we had gotten our revenge it was worth talking with them and see if we could not come to some agreement.”
Adding this to the fact that Revelation also shot some friends that where in The Spartan Warriors at the time there was reason to negotiate.
Carlito also added: “I don´t know really what to say exactly but not all things are about coming out in the biggest profit.”

But how about the deal itself? Very few people know what has happened there, a deal has been made but there is no clue to what has been paid or talked over regarding payment. “There were some catches on both parts but what exactly they were i don´t want to get into too deeply.”
Youniversal did not want to make anything about the deal public. Since it was discussed between Revelation and The Spartan Warriors.

Fact is that, whatever the deal was, peace has been signed between Revelation and The Spartan Warriors. “We have gotten many good friends from the opposite crews we have been in war with in the past and i hope with time we can be with TSW aswell and get this matter behind us. It is done and over with, now to move on.”

Moving on, that is the best thing to do for all of us.