Sunday, June 24th, 2007
Issue: 29   Editor: MsNyxxie

Points Page Air

Well to start this off, most may have noticed the new layout before realising about the Important thread in the Game Forum. By this I mean that the 'Points' link on the left didn't have the track option next to it and it looked pretty open and plain. Upon clicking I noticed the new layout.

For those that have been lucky enough to hold a crew, this new layout is in the same style. Tabs at the top which, I personally feel, make it look more... sophisticated.

With a short description on each point purchase, it should remove any questions about what gun or protection you need before buying one with points. Another addition is that you can now purchase bullets and money in multiple quantities. This makes it a lot easier for people to buy a bundle of bullets quickly and more efficiently, rather than in seperate batches. Easy access!

On that note, you can now see all of your point transactions instead of the previous 10.

However, after browsing the forums, some are complaining that BSF2000 is focusing on the wrong aspects of the game and that he should be fixing the bugs, and not the layout of a page. This is fully understandable but one thing needs to be done at a time. With the recent activity of BSF2000 we all hope to see more improvements to the game we've grown to love.

Enjoy the new update!