Sunday, July 22nd, 2007
Issue: 32   Editor: MsNyxxie

Louisiana State Don Air

Well we've got ourselves a new State Don, ladies and gents. This time in the state of Louisiana. Who... ebbie!

With Lousiana having one of the state owned Bullet Factories, held by Sabin, it is known to be quite a popular state. It's been quite a while now since the new rank of State Don was introduced into the game therefore the majority are quite familiar with what a State Don position can offer. To some, not that much. To others, something that can change the entire game.

A State Don can effectively; wipe out a crew (as we've already witnessed), possibly sit back as the quiet one with their new rank or even truly take over their state... killing each property owner in their state. With the availability to have their own personal Bullet Factory ebbie calmly informed me that it's "the best feature of being state don". Could that possibly mean we have another State Don willing to go out with a bang?

"I'm not much of a killer to be honest" he said, claiming that he'd rather "go for nation don". So besides this, everone would be pretty shocked to see that big red message on their News page. Not in this case, to an extent.

He seemed pretty confident that he'd get the invite eventually saying that "I have done over 400 oc's already, something not many ldon's can say right now". Indeed, although he wasn't too sure on the rest of his personal statistics informing me that, " I wasn't sure about was my amount of crimes and gta's. I hate checking if I can do crimes every 2 minutes so that's why my total successfull crimes is only 1350. I've seen some legendary don's that have around 17,000 crimes so I was kinda scared about that part."

So what can we expect of this new State Don? Well not much in terms of, what many would call, fun - killing. He seems to feel that now he's reached this rank he may "consider bringing my old crew back on stats but I probably won't use my bullets for that."

So from the Buzz we would like to give a big congratulations to ebbie upon reaching the second highest rank in the game. I'll further leave you with one last quote from ebbie.

"I'm enjoying my rank but I wouldn't mind if I'd die as I already reached my goal."