Sunday, January 7th, 2007
Issue: 4   Editor: Nobody

English/Dutch Dictionary NyxxieV4

Due to the wide spread language we see on Bootleggers the two main and most widely used ones are both English and Dutch. Every week, we will take a theme (current events or something just requested) and choose words to translate so slowly, everyone can learn the language that they are most unfamiliar with.

I thank ItsMeSucker for translating the English word into Dutch for myself and this segment.

This weeks theme: BOOTLEGGERS

Frequently Asked Questions: "Veel Gevraagde Vragen"
(Pronunciation - veel -- ge-vraag-de -- vra-gen)

States: "Staten"
(Pronunciation - staaa-tun)

Statistics: "Statistieken"
(Pronunciation - sta-tis-tie-ken)

The Classifieds Forum: "Het Classificatie Forum"
(Pronunciation - het -- class-if-ic-atie -- forum)

Arm Wrestling: "Armpje Drukken"
(Pronunciation - arm-pjuh -- druk-ken)

Jail: "Gevangenis"
(Pronunciation - ge-van-ge-nis)

Train Station: "Trein Station"
(Pronunciation - Tre-in -- Station)

Crimes: "Misdaden"
(Pronunciation - mis-da-den)

Organized Crime: "Georganiseerde Misdaad"
(Pronunciation - ge-or-ga-ni-seer-de -- mis-daa)