Sunday, January 7th, 2007 |
Issue: 4 |
Editor: Nobody |
English/Dutch Dictionary |
NyxxieV4 |
Due to the wide spread language we see on Bootleggers the two main and most widely used ones are both English and Dutch. Every week, we will take a theme (current events or something just requested) and choose words to translate so slowly, everyone can learn the language that they are most unfamiliar with.
I thank ItsMeSucker for translating the English word into Dutch for myself and this segment.
This weeks theme: BOOTLEGGERS
Frequently Asked Questions: "Veel Gevraagde Vragen"
(Pronunciation - veel -- ge-vraag-de -- vra-gen)
States: "Staten"
(Pronunciation - staaa-tun)
Statistics: "Statistieken"
(Pronunciation - sta-tis-tie-ken)
The Classifieds Forum: "Het Classificatie Forum"
(Pronunciation - het -- class-if-ic-atie -- forum)
Arm Wrestling: "Armpje Drukken"
(Pronunciation - arm-pjuh -- druk-ken)
Jail: "Gevangenis"
(Pronunciation - ge-van-ge-nis)
Train Station: "Trein Station"
(Pronunciation - Tre-in -- Station)
Crimes: "Misdaden"
(Pronunciation - mis-da-den)
Organized Crime: "Georganiseerde Misdaad"
(Pronunciation - ge-or-ga-ni-seer-de -- mis-daa)