Sunday, November 4th, 2007
Issue: 47   Editor: Nyxxiekins

Bootleggers Wants YOU! LaughingJuiner

Tired of an intensive work-out? Fed up with day-to-day rubbish? Want some time for yourself?

Then Bootleggers sure is the thing to do!

Keep those muscles moving while typing your ass off in the Game Forum, or chit-chatting with your newly met friends!
Rob a bank every 2 minutes, sell and re-buy liquor while you're at it, and if you don't like your set of wheels anymore, just sell 'em for a low price, and steal yourself a nice new car!

Got sick with your 'Users-online-list'-neighbor? Shoot him!
Don't be afraid to make an overkill, only 25,000+ bullets will get the job done!
And for the ickle fee of only a few thousand points, you could get yourself a nice crib to hang out with your "bro's".
We'll even throw in a private forum for the sake of it!

Buy your own establishment, get people to stash their stolen cars there, and earn your way to the top!
Rob a few banks while you're at it, and before you know, you'll be the new State Don to boot!

Bootleggers, it's not just for any lazy bum!

**If you sign up now, you will get $500, to get you through the first day!**