Sunday, January 14th, 2007
Issue: 5   Editor: Nobody

Did You Know? NyxxieV4

At first, I decided to have the players send in their own facts about themselves or players; after reading the responses I got in email, to be honest, I was anything but amused. So, in turn, I had to find my own way to make this section interesting and funny yet sadly, the comments I read on the forums did my job for me. These are the facts I have gathered up about players just by using the forums themselves. Enjoy!

Did You Know...

- Franchise loves shoving his limbs in electrical orifices?

- Bsq loves himself, while Zany prefers to love crack, we'll assume it's the one in his pants.

- TehKaka did the dirty with a girl in the basement of a bar in the OTF.

- Cavudog wants to write a book about alien invaders who attack bootleggers' players with fishing poles and broom sticks..

- Snoweh is approximately 8 feet tall and still growing!

- SpatialVision likes the feeling of a Towelie on his behind.

- The sheer sight of some profiles makes Envelope run for the bathroom.

- ChickenN00dleSoup has a nice ride; it comes with three wheels, a pretty little basket in front, a high pitched bell and pink streamers flowing from the handlebars.

- ArsiniC is ChanelPrincess' little GI Joe. He has parties on the weekends with Barbie, Ken and Skipper.

- LeChurch plays Bootleggers completely in the nude.

- As an Ex-British Navy Submariner, Mutley used to sleep next to a Nuclear missile. Their relationship was STRICTLY "plutonic".

- ButtSexWithCows suffers from a mild case of Bovinophobia (a fear of cows) and Genophobia (a fear of sex).

- Fink was apparently the first and only ever human to be born out of someone's ass.