Sunday, December 2nd, 2007
Issue: 51   Editor: Nyxxiekins

Behind the Name Nyxxiekins

Name: TiT
How old are you?: 17
Where are you from?: England!
Why did you chose this as your name?: Because I figured many people will use it so less chance of getting shot plus I am beyond 1337, I am 13337!
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: RedMoon, Dolon, Rms2, Titelation, RedMoonv1 and I can't remember the others
Random Question: What is your favorite part of being in, the crew, Revelation?: The fact you get free cash! Hm, I cant say the members because they all suck, especially Mikey. I like also killing for them plus there all perverts like me!

Name: Josh
How old are you?: 15
Where are you from?: Sunderland, England.
Why did you chose this as your name?: No idea, not very imaginative.
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: Can't remember really! Most likely something with 'Dal' in or begins with R.
Random Question: What is the silliest, most embarrassing thing you have ever done before and why?: I got my penis stuck in my trousers after having a wee in a field and had to go to hospital because of it when I was 4.

Name: Kyle
How old are you?: 17 Almost 18
Where are you from?: Connecticut, USA
Why did you chose this as your name?: I'm a guy so I just liked the idea of having Mr before my name and Otaku is a Japanese term used to describe someone who is obsessed with something, for example someone obsessed with Bootleggers you'd call a 'Bootleggers Otaku' ^_^.
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: This is my first account this reset but last reset I went by the name WeissKreuz
Random Question: How many languages do you speak and what languages are they?: I speak English, some French and hope to learn Japanese one day ^_^