Sunday, December 23rd, 2007
Issue: 54   Editor: Nyxxiekins

Elite Guard Profile Update! CharlesLuciano

To people who haven't been online a lot recently, you probably didn't notice the phases Elite Guard profiles went through till they reached where they are now!

During the whole Bootleggers site make over one change didn't affect the game itself, but it surely added more "seriousness" to the Administrators or Elite Guard member profiles.

At first, Sabin modified the profile colors so that they became gold, yes gold! Just like the Nation Don's profile, with one difference… he gave the Elite Guard, Game Master ranks. This newly found rank was met by somewhat sarcasm by some players and carelessness by others. It was truly a change that didn't mean much to the game itself, and hence it was such a moderate reaction to the change.

On Friday, BSF2000 came online and did his thing. BSF2000 changed the whole thing, conceptually and practically. It was a decision by him to obviously give the Administrators and moderators a non-gaming rank, and hence, add real seriousness to their profiles.

New profiles saw BSF2000 named Head Administrator with a red profile color. Dreamnid and Sabin also got the red color but Administrator ranks. 5litre got Head Moderator while Raztaz and Air got Senior Moderator ranks. Annihilation, Stryfe, VooDooDoll and Rod all got Moderator ranks. Other than the Administrators, all moderators got green profiles and their BMs to players appear in the color green, a truly beautiful color indeed and of course, attention grabbing.

Good luck to the EG and HDOs in keeping our game experience safe and simple no matter what color their profiles were.