Sunday, March 2nd, 2008
Issue: 63   Editor: Nyxxinator

Biosoo's Gambling Tactics Biosoo

Thanks for reading my third article about the Bootleggers Casinos. This week, I will take a look at Keno. To be honest, I have won each type of casino except a Keno and Slot Machine. Are there any good tactics at keno? To write this article, I asked the help from a few Keno gamblers. Before starting with Keno tactics, I would like to take a look at the casino payouts.

Keno Payouts:
5 numbers = 5 times your bet.
6 numbers = 24 times your bet.
7 numbers = 142 times your bet.
8 numbers = 1,000 times your bet.
9 numbers = 4,500 times your bet.
10 numbers = 10,000 times your bet.

There are very big payouts available on Keno, but what is the chance of winning this? I can assure you, the odds are not good! I asked XxAkAbOiXx aka KburtonJr about the winning chances. His response was, “I figured out that 10/100 number match would have to be luck, but obviously people are getting good at it, and that says different than luck… I never pick a solid area bigger than 4 squares before I branch off. And then I stay close to the same area”

So picking numbers inside squares could be a nice tactic. Are there more tactics? My crewmate, AngelTDA, won New York Keno last week. I posted a screen shot of her keno win below.

She bet in a straight line from top to bottom. Does she have a keno strategy perhaps? “Nope, just bet big and win big,” AngelTDA stated.

Kenos are more expensive than roulette, racetracks or a blackjack table. Why? The chance of winning on keno is small, and there isn’t a real ‘tactic’ that would improve the gambler his chance of winning. Conclusion: The keno owner has the most chance of winning. This is the reason why the keno is almost twice as expensive as the other casinos named above.

Did you discover a Keno gamble tactic? Well, I did not. You can try your [I]luck[/I] at keno, but if you want a big chance of making profits, Buy a keno table, instead of gambling on the table, and put your maximum bet unlimited!
Once again: I am not responsible for any losses, and they won’t be refunded! I do apologize for the lack of tactics has been shown in this article. Gamblers have fun, but keep an eye on your money.

~ Iso