Sunday, March 2nd, 2008
Issue: 63   Editor: Nyxxinator

Jail Busting AceAdamX

Recently there was a new feature added to jail busting where you have a chance to bust yourself out, but if you fail you are unbreakable for 3 minutes.

At first I liked this feature because you could get your bust stats up quicker and also bust yourself out of jail. But now I have a problem with it. For instance, take my bust percentage. It is 17%, so if I try to bust myself out I have a 83% chance of failing which is very high.

Now, if everyone tries to bust themselves out they are most likely to fail and become unbreakable. So when you go to try and bust someone nearly everyone will be unbreakable. So, I think they should change it like you have to be a certain rank or have a certain bust percentage. (E.G 25% before you are able to bust yourself out.)

Thanks for reading. J AceAdamX.