Sunday, April 13th, 2008
Issue: 69   Editor: NyxxiPoo

The story about Xcore MrSaliari

Since a lot of people are talking about him in the forums, I think it is good to go and sort this out for once and for all. A lot of topics have been made in which Xcore gets accused of being an exploiter, cheater and whatever. But actually, after questioning, nobody knows who Xcore really is, what his current name is and how much points he really has.

Also, after viewing the topics in which Xcore gets accused of being an exploiter, I started wondering how many people actually know how to use a database, PHP and MySQL. After again questioning, it seems to me that a lot of people are talking about something that they don’t know anything about, and none of these people seem to have any proof.

Someone that I know has played Bootleggers since the beginning of this round and she has made over a billion, yes, over a billion on OC’s, GTA’s, crimes and banking. It took a few months though, but she made it. Then, with the L.Dons being whiped, she was also killed and lost around 1.5 billion. But the point I want to make here, is when you are motivated to do OC’s (when high ranked get paid for them), GTA’s and sell the cars, crimes and then bank all the money you made every day, you can get pretty rich after a long time.

While writing this article Xcore has put himself on the hitlist, it seems, with the announcement that he will quit the game. With a bit of luck I managed to get in contact with Xcore and ask him about this announcement and about the exploit rumours.

As for the quitting part, he answered: “Quit? Who knows, maybe I will go underground or maybe I will really quit. My reason to quit is that I don’t think Bootleggers is exciting anymore. It was fun, but there are too many rules now that don’t make any sense.”

And when I asked him about the exploits, his answer was: “With my Xcore account I already had over 10,000 points. I got these by gambling, then I sold them all and started banking. That’s how I got where I am now. Then I started hitlisting all of the sudden and I got banned by Rod. He thought I was using exploits. After an appeal of more than a week Sabin finally got mixed in and he saw that all the cash that didn’t got sent to me I gained from my casino profit. He unbanned me immediately. But because of the ban from Rod I now had a bad name.

Even though an admin verified me as clean, people did not believe me. But these people like Leodelater, I really don’t get them. First he wants to buy my points and I refused to do that. Then I kill his R.Don account and he starts accusing me of exploiting. But Revelation is just like him, they talk about me like they now everything about me. They believe that everyone who has a lot of points is a cheater and they spread the rumours. That’s a bit pathetic if you ask me. But I can not help, I can kill them, but it won’t hurt them.

So now I am pretty sick of all this and I still need to decide wether I will quit the game, or go underground

So there you have it people, the story of someone that you all accused of being an exploiter. I have to say that I believe Xcore. He was just very lucky, and when you have a lot, it is always easier to get more.