Sunday, June 1st, 2008
Issue: 76   Editor: Nyxxiful

Points Page Update CharlesLucianoIII

For all clueless players out there, or the ones who just came back from a lengthy holiday, you no longer will be scammed with this new update.

A new update in the points page shows players the average recent price of the points traded via escrow. Sabin added the new feature with a sticky topic in the Game Forum explaining everything about it. However, and as expected, the Game Forum got spammed with topics regarding the update before people tried to look for an announcement.

The new feature calculates an average selling price for a point. The mechanism of calculation will not be announced to deny people who try to manipulate that feature to their advantage from doing so.

Although many people remain skeptical regarding the update and its usefulness, it will surely give a point buyer or seller a rough estimation of the prices dominating the market.

One would speculate that the average is calculated using statistical tools that disregard stray samples; that is samples that are too low or high from the average are not included in the calculation.

We asked Sabin about the duration he expects the winning updates of the buzz competition would take in the making. He is yet to reply to us, so maybe that piece of information would be available for next week's issue.

On a side note, it's worth mentioning that due to many problems and scams because of unverified points trading, the administrators have disabled the function of unverified points. Now unverified points can no longer be traded via escrow nor used to buy items on the points' page.