Monday, September 1st, 2008
Issue: 89   Editor: NYX2000

Behind the Name MikaPika

Name: Sam
How old are you?: 29
Where are you from?: Jordan
Why did you chose this as your name?: I love Sartanians
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: skullamonia
Random Question: What is your favorite day of the year and why?: My birthday, because I get to know that this life is coming shorter 1 more year, and I'll get rid of it soon.

Name: Martin
How old are you?: Eighteen years old
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
Why did you chose this as your name?: About a year back I was looking for a new name to go UG for a little while. Since I like Tolkien-alike names I did some research and came across Tar-Aldarion, one of the kings of NĂºmenor. , I liked it, so I decided to take it.
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?: This round I used: juanezzz, Lindir, LindirX, Aldarion, AldarionX, Aldari0n and my current name.
Random Question: If you could play in a movie, what movie would you play in and who would you be?: I would have played in one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Great story, great environment (open seas, Caribbean). I'd play the Charactar Orlando Bloom played, Will Turner. I think it would be a great character to play, some proper fighting, lots of scenes with Johnny Depp, and last but certainly not least, lots of scenes with Keira Knightley. She's absolutely stunning!

Name: Giovanni Go
How old are you?: Not-so-awesome 23
Where are you from?: Chitown! (Chicago, IL for those posers).
However, I'm working on my Masters in C.S. at R.I.T. (Rochester, NY) which I hope to finish by this school year. Wish me luck!
What were your prior names, as far back as you can remember?:
FFVIICid7 was my original screen name. If it isn't obvious, it was derived from my fav. game, Final Fantasy VII along with Cid who is the "techie" in that game. When I started playing Infantry, I wanted to play other classes so I came up with other variations that I'll probably screw up now: FFIXAlexander9, FFVIIIVivi9, etc.
Why did you chose this as your name?: I don't remember why I decided to change my name, but I did. dreamnid is derived from: DREAMcast Nvidia and again cID from FFVII :-). I wanted to get a dreamcast at the time (sadly didn't own one), and I liked the nVidia chipsets Yes, I know - so geekish.
Random Question: What part of your job as Admin do you like best and why?: Boo, the hard question. Is that really the best random question out there? I blame the PRNG... I think I like trying and learning about new stuff that I think will be cool for the backend of the game. For example, BL was the first time that I really ever had to learn about configuring Apache and MySQL (and yes, I'm still trying to work out the lag problems now). Another thing I tried back then was using the Smarty templating system to separate logic from display code which really cleans up the code. Of course, it's really cool to do something that people will notice, notably when there is a improvement in performance especially when switching servers.
Thanks for playing, guys!