Sunday, October 5th, 2008
Issue: 94   Editor: NYX2000

The Buggie Night NYX2000

The month of September went out with a bang as the 30th rang out with a couple of bugs that caused Bootleggers to become one big glitchy night. If happened to be out partying, or enjoying a nice glass of bubbly with your friends on Tuesday night, you missed a day when it seemed as if even the Administrators were a bit verklempt with the work that was cut out for them!

Two of the biggest bugs infested the Arm Wrestling feature and the Family Accounts list. One was bigger than the other and while the Arm Wrestling bug left players feeling a bit stronger than usual, the Family Accounts paged caused confusion, rage and concern in the Game Forum.

As if Popeye ate a can of spinach, players doing one set of push ups were granted up to 80 levels of strength. While the bug was being fixed, Bootleggers from all over the world were busy arm wrestling others with their new found strength. However, when all was said and done and the bug was no more, players found more levels taken away than which was given to them. "My level is back up to 74 it was 93," started buttercup on the forums. And while some players were livid with their loss in hard-earned strength, some who were "handed" the strength to them via the bug, still had the levels on them. "Mine never got fixed, I'm still at 80.I started this account and I started at 80.I want to start at 0 like I'm supposed to," commented Reaper15.

Although it still seems as if the bug is lingering with a lasting effect on players, the Family Account list is no longer a problem for many.

If you weren't around during this, you can thank yourself from saving you a ton of headaches. This bug, which seemed to have added over 50-100 players to your faimly accounts list, gave many headaches and fits of anger. "I got all these accounts on my list, when I have a private IP!" stated one player, wondering if maybe his IP was hacked. Juvare, one of the Help Desk Operators, noticed over 60 accounts on his list that night, all of which weren't there hours or days prior. "I haven't logged in anywhere but from home, so this is a bit strange," he commented.

Hours later, after tinkering with the code, the lists seemed as if they were reset. It seems, however, that this isn't the only fix to the code. We were later notified by a player who tried to bust another out from the jail, was greeted with a new red message, "* You cannot interact with (username here), due to a recently shared IP." "That would mean it's impossible to interact with people that share your IP?" questioned MikaArdai about the new feature.

Now with the family accounts bug fixed, and the ability to interact with dupes or family accounts blocked completely, perhaps those who are really playing the game can enjoy it instead of worrying of being banned for accidentally interacting with a player who is on their family accounts list. "Did they fix the IP problem? OMG! Now I love the game. There may finally be a chance to get back to playing properly," concluded CharlesLucianoIX.