Sunday, October 12th, 2008
Issue: 95   Editor: NYX2000

Bootleggers Deregulates CharlesLucianoX

After the dilemma many players were complaining of, such as the attempt of someone on you Family Account attempting to get you banned, was solved. The Administrators gave players the icing on the cake. Now, players sharing the same IP can join the same crew, and message each other!

The announcement came to players as an edit in the Family Account rules page, in the form of the two rules being omitted from the list.

As we noticed the update, we contacted moderators to understand the reasons behind it. 5litre stated the following: "These rules were changed due to the fact that there is a large amount of people playing this game from areas such as school/work. The way it was before, it made is nearly impossible for friends (at schools/work) to communicate to each other at all, whereas we at Bootleggers are trying to encourage friend to friend playing."

Now, one thing remains tricky, how would moderators bust a "clean" dupe and differentiate it from a genuine family account which is a real family member sharing the IP? 5litre told us that the tools and means to do that are at the disposal of Elite Guard yet he refused to explain the technicality of it to make sure no one would try to get around the tools.

As the Family Accounts updates are in place now, we can all enjoy the safety and the extra freedom. However the fact that some duplicate accounts may be able to hold crews eventually, would be a challenge for Elite Guard to tackle in the forthcoming period.